Quick Fix: How to remove 4 common stains


From salad dressing ruining your new blue jeans to your morning coffee staining your white t-shirt, you’re bound to come face to face with a stain that ruins your perfectly styled outfit.

Here are four quick and easy tricks to remove a common stain for good.

1. Coffee:
If you spill your morning coffee all over your shirt—don’t panic. Jet to the sink and pour cold water on the back of the stain. If that doesn’t work right away, grab your liquid laundry detergent and place it into a container with cold water. Soak in your stain in the mixture for 30 minutes.

2. Lipstick:
It happens—you’re putting on your makeup and your lipstick brushes against your shirt. Luckily hairspray isn’t just for hair—heavily spray the stain with hairspray and let it soak for 10 minutes. Then, dab the stain with a wet paper towel until the affected area is stain-free.

3. Salad dressing:
If you happen to spill your salad dressing on your pants during your lunch hour, simply spread cornstarch over the stain for 5 minutes. Then, place your stain underneath cold running water and use liquid laundry detergent. Let the stain sit for 15 minutes before tossing your clothing in the wash.

4. Wine:
If you’ve been walking around with a wine stain all day, pour club soda onto the stain and dab it with a towel. If it’s a fresh stain, quickly apply a generous amount of salt to the affected area.