Upcoming Ingredients: Cannabis (Hemp) Oil


“There’s a reason CNN’s chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta stated: “It’s time for a marijuana revolution.” People’s attitudes are changing when it comes to marijuana. For the first time ever, a majority of Americans favour the legalization of cannabis, and a whopping 77 per cent support using it for medical purposes.

Marijuana is much more complicated than rolling a joint. The cannabis plant contains more than 400 individual chemicals. Until recently the vast majority of studies have focused on those chemicals that can cause potential harm to the body. Now however, more and more research focuses on the plant’s ability to help with ailments such as post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), multiple sclerosis, arthritis, HIV, glaucoma, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, chronic pain and even cancer.

Potentially one of the most significant forms of medical marijuana is cannabis or hemp oil. Cannabis oil first gained recognition through promotion and distilling information supplied by a Canadian cannabis pioneer named Rick Simpson. In fact, one of its first names was Simpson oil. It is an essential oil created from the hemp plant. The cannabis is distilled to its essential active cannabinoids, with as much of the plant material as possible removed.

Cannabis oil is extremely potent and contains sedative purified decarboxylated cannabis resin with 95 to 98 per cent tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. Proponents claim that THC is has a powerful ability to fight disease. Some people even hail it as “nature’s cure for cancer” because of claims that cannabis oil may have the ability to reprogram cancer cells to kill themselves.

In addition to its medical benefits, cannabis oil also has anti-aging properties. As we age, our vital organs deteriorate and this impairs the function of these organs. Even in small doses, cannabis oil can help to rejuvenate vital organs and make you look and feel younger.

How cannabis oil works

Some experts believe that the many potential benefits from cannabis oil may original with its effect on the pineal gland. When the function of the pineal gland is impaired, it produces much less melatonin and the body’s ability to heal itself becomes impaired.

Studies have shown that people suffering from cancer have low levels of melatonin in their bodies. Cannabis oil can have a dramatic natural increase on melatonin levels and help the body ward off illness.

Cannabis oil can also have a positive effect on the body’s pH levels. As you age, the body tends to become more acidic. Disease thrives in an acidic environment. Anything you can do to make the body more alkaline will have a positive effect on your health.