Perfect Pecan Milk


By Erin Budd

Did you know that you can use the same process for any nut milk recipe? Just exchange the nuts. The only difference is the amount of sweetness. Pecans make for a creamy “milk” that tastes similar to a nutty milkshake. So drink up and take in your healthy fats and nutrients.

1 cup raw unsalted pecans
3 cups filtered water
2 tablespoons raw honey, or 2 to 4 dates, or a combination
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon (optional)
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg (optional)
Pinch of salt

1. In a non-reactive bowl (that is, pyrex or glass), cover the pecans with two inches of water, and add the salt and leave to soak overnight on the kitchen counter (minimum 12 hours). Be patient. The longer the pecans soak, the creamier and smoother the milk will be.

2. In the morning, drain the pecans in the sink discarding the soaking liquid and rinse the pecans well under running water. Put the pecans into a blender with three cups water. Add the dates, honey, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Process on high until smooth.

3. Strain out the nut pulp into a medium-sized bowl through a nut milk bag, cheese cloth or a strainer. Squeeze as much liquid out of the bag as possible. (Alternatively, you can skip the straining step if you don’t mind the gritty texture). Once strained, you can save the excess nut pulp to use in another recipe: you can stir it into oatmeal or yogurt, or use it to make cookies. Adjust the sweetness of the milk if necessary. (You can add some raw cacao to make it chocolate milk.)

Store the milk in the refrigerator in an airtight container. This will last for four to seven days.